A student used a sonar sensor to control a popular video game.
Spring 07 - Physical Pixel Mock Up
The students create a physical pixel mockup using servos and hexagons.
Spring 07 - Capacative Sensing Tests
The student tests Capacative Sesing with various acuators, solinoids and SMA wire
Fall 06 - Video Tracking Tabletop
The Students created a tabletop video tracking project that could recognize hand guestures and interact with a number of users at a time.
Fall 06 - Video Tracking Pong and Breakout
After creating a video tracking game of breakout with Processing. The students created a pong game. What was surprising when they made the pong game was making a 4 player co-operative / competive game. Two players must work together to beat the other team as in traditional pong while the teamates must stay within a ceritan distance of each other to keep their paddle solid on screen.
Fall 06 - Predator Simulation
The students wanted to use video tracking to siulate the vision of "The Predator" from the movie of the same name. It takes a still image and then creates a blured image version of the person walking passed. If a person stands in the view at the time they can create a "ghost" version of themselves.
Fall 06 - Group 3d Video Interaction
The students create a group interactive video tracking project that allows the users to each have a control point of a 3d object. so they create an object together on the fly.
Fall 06 - Fire Projection
Using video tracking the students create a siulation to allow the user to create virtual fire on a building or simulation of a building.
Fall 06 - Walking Simulation
After understanding object oriented programing with some simple dot elements the studented deceided to simulate people walking over a bridge.
Fall 06 - Tower Packer
The students populated a residental tower with 1,2, or 3 bedroom apartments based on a value calcuation created in another class.
Fall 06 - NYTimes Live City

An assignment using live data off the internet the student parsed XML data from the New York Times to create a vizuzlization of a city. The video clip shows the city from a number of camera angles.
See the NYTimes Live City
Fall 06 - Planet Simulation

The Students Created a simulation of planets. The user can click on the screen to create a planet and give it a velocity. As the user moves the mouse from the left to right it increases the accelration of the system.
Try Planet Simulation
fall 06 - Ants 02
The students learn object oriented programming. Here a student writes some ants. This clip shows the ants at fast speed with some changes in their behavior and the vizualization
Fall 06 - Ants 01
The students learn object oriented programming. Here a student writes some ants. This clip shows the ants at fast speed.
Fall 06 - Voyage of the Beagle - Strand of Text
Take the text file of The Voyage of the Beagle and process the text in some way.
The Voyage of the Beagle is a diary of Charles Darwin, so I wanted something that related to evolution in some way. The design I settled on begins by taking a 100-letter chunk of the diary and scattering them on the screen inside of cells that are meant to resemble Amoebas. Similar letters are stacked on top of each other, and right when the program starts they spread out, mimicking the reproduction of cells. Each cell then attempts to find the letter that comes before it in the original sentence. The original intent was to bring to mind the idea of single cells joining to form a multicellular organism (a sentence). The actions of the cells also resemble the assembly of a strand of DNA, which was unexpected outcome.
The Voyage of the Beagle is a diary of Charles Darwin, so I wanted something that related to evolution in some way. The design I settled on begins by taking a 100-letter chunk of the diary and scattering them on the screen inside of cells that are meant to resemble Amoebas. Similar letters are stacked on top of each other, and right when the program starts they spread out, mimicking the reproduction of cells. Each cell then attempts to find the letter that comes before it in the original sentence. The original intent was to bring to mind the idea of single cells joining to form a multicellular organism (a sentence). The actions of the cells also resemble the assembly of a strand of DNA, which was unexpected outcome.
Fall 06 - Voyage of the Beagle

Voyage of the (word) Beagle
Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle" analyzed for instances of the vessel in question, and displayed in navigable 3-D space, (arguably) shedding light on both the text and journey.
Fall 06 - Trees and Forrests

Learning text parsing in Proccesing. In the text two different landscapes are mentioned throughout the text - city and forest. The first item is the object that morphs back and forth between the two words. For some reason it doesn't react to the text, but for this version it will change by right and left clicking.
This version draws a "tree" or "building" for every time it reads the words city or forest. I'm still trying to figure out how to get it to draw slower.
Fall 06 - Darwin vs. Kansas State Board of Education

Learning text parsing in Proccesing. Darwin vs. Kansas State Board of Education :: Parses all of the words from two texts: Charles Darwins's The Voyage of the Beagle and the 2005 Kansas Science Education Standards. Compares every word in each text and identifies the words they have in common. Darwin's entire text is then written to the screen, but only shared words are displayed, leaving blanks where there are words unique to the Beagle.
Try Here Link
Spring 06 - Dog Walking Time

Using Wiring as a microcontroller the student designed and built a way to share dog waling responsibilities with his roommates. When the lease is removed from its holder the microcontroller knows the dog is out for a walk. Then when the lease is hung back up near the door it begins timing until it is the next time to walk the dog again. This way the various roommates will know how urgently the dog needs to be walked or not.
Spring 06 - Bathroom Shelf Habits

Designed for a user with a number of time oriented grooming rituals. The shelf itself is designed to know if a product if placed in it. Once the product is removed a timer begins, when it time finish there is a lighting change around the mirror. For example it may time how long the user should brush their teeth.
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